

Get focused and insightful mentoring from a coach who understands

Life can be a lonely journey … but you already know that.

As a leader, you’re intimately aware of the struggles and challenges that come along with life and a busy schedule.

It is mandatory that you develop reserves of energy, resilience and self-confidence – for yourself and those you lead.

You also understand that sometimes you may need help to get you past a roadblock or barrier.

I’m Cheryl Held.

Over the years, I have helped many people breakthrough their leadership, creative and entrepreneurial challenges to become better leaders, more productive citizens, and successful entrepreneurs.

As a leader and creative spirit myself, I know what it’s like to organize people for action, publish on a deadline and grow a business from the ground up.

Most resources on leadership and entrepreneurship are based on specific case studies of either wild success or absolute failures. That’s all fine and good but it does not really address the specific and nuanced needs that individuals find themselves in every day.

That’s why targeted coaching can be of tremendous value to sort through all the noise to get at the real root of your leadership, life, or business challenges.

Coaching From Anywhere

Although I offer in-person coaching, all that’s required to work with me is a computer and an internet connection.

I leverage email, Skype/Facetime and the web to coach clients. All we have to do is coordinate a time to talk and then I can help you tackle the challenges you face.

Sustainable Success Starts with Endurance

One thing that I have found useful is to understand the dynamics between endurance, creativity and resilience that will lead to sustainability.

I say sustainability because the most successful people are in it for the duration – for the long haul.

They understand that success is a process of learning that never ends. They are fine with incremental results that leads to endurance – resilience – creativity.

This dynamic is vital to one’s ability to be successful over and over again.

For more information, contact Cheryl:

Phone: 410-259-5050



How I Can Help

Some of the specific things I help clients with:


TRUST Establish, develop, and sustain trust with others. Demonstrate genuine care for people. When people feel cared for, they return that trust to you. They will give that extra effort to make you and your organization successful.

PRODUCTIVITY is the most common objective of any business or organization. From making more widgets to increasing the bottom line, productivity is critical to an organization’s existence and is optimized when supported by trust and personal development.

Productivity techniques I share with clients include:

  • Heading off distractions and interruptions before they happen
  • Focusing fast on what’s important
  • Taming your inner critic
  • Unlearn multi-tasking

PERSONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT is the most overlooked objective. Leadership is a position that requires followers. Instead of developing people to follow you, develop them to become leaders themselves. An organization that is made of leaders, instead of followers is a “Leadership Culture.” When you achieve this objective, you are multiplying your productivity, and therefore experiencing sustainable growth. And when you experience sustainable growth, you find yourself building a legacy.

ACHIEVE GOALS specific and realistic goals are the cornerstone of success. Without them, you will be adrift in the sea of mediocrity leading to frustration. Goals are powerful because they allow you to break up complex problems into manageable pieces. Doing this not only makes progress easier, but it gives you incremental successes.

Some of the most common goals I help clients achieve include:

  • Finding time to work on projects or be creative
  • Creating realistic and specific goals for projects
  • Promoting your creative output
  • Effectively organizing a team or employees
  • Maintaining focus during meetings and discussions
  • Getting over the perfection fallacy

PRIORITIZING creating an impact takes many forms. It can be the creation of a new community group, finding a need and filling it, a simple daily kindness. Whatever impact you want to make, it starts with prioritizing.

My team and I help clients make an impact and prioritize by:

  • Leveraging online marketing and traditional marketing efforts to get the word out
  • Content strategies to get others to know, like and trust you
  • Finding the synergies between different groups
  • Discerning first steps
  • Defining your tribe

My Coaching Style

I cater to the client: what might work for one client may be disastrous for another. It’s important to adjust my approach or methods based on the specific needs of my clients.

Focus is paramount: way too often, a client would come to me with too many ideas or overwhelmed with the problems that they faced. I quickly help prioritize.

Specific and realistic goals: goals are important but realistic and specific goals are the ones that really get done.

Have fun: working towards objective should be fun and energizing. That’s one of the ways to keep you motivated to stick with it. It is hard work – but it is also vital and empowering.

Sometimes, I can’t help: In some circumstances, I cannot be helpful. I can usually tell quickly if our partnership will be synergistic and beneficial. In this event, I will be honest.

I listen more than I talk: really listening to issues or problems can provide deep and meaningful insights and leads to potential solutions.

The best client sessions occur when both of us are energized and working hard.

It would be our privilege to coach and consult with you in that process.

For more information, contact Cheryl:

Phone: 410-259-5050
