How to Achieve A Work Life Balance

work life balance

Are you on the wheel?

Do you find yourself too busy all the time? Running as fast as you can to keep up with all of your responsibilities and commitments? Do you feel frustrated, stressed, or tired?

Many people feel they’re running on a hamster wheel spinning around and around and can’t seem to get off. This seems all too common these days with people trying to achieve the elusive work life balance that everyone talks about.

The secret is to get off the hamster wheel!

Well, you may think, “That sounds easier said than done!”

5 Ways to Achieve Work Life Balance

1. Start the day right: Develop a routine every morning where you take a few minutes to connect with yourself. For those of you who are spiritual people remember your connection with God, spirit, Christ, your higher power or whatever name you use for something greater than yourself. Get yourself into a peaceful and focused space before you start the day. You can pray, meditate, visualize, read, write, whatever it may be.

2. Feed your soul all day: Find a way to feed your soul for a few minutes each day. It can be going outside for a minute, playing some music, or positive affirmation.

3. Review your options: Busy people have 6 choices to make to help them achieve a work life balance.

    1. To reduce the amount of activities they have.
    2. To delegate or get support with their activities.
    3. To reduce the tendency to be a perfectionist and people pleaser.
    4. To set boundaries so that there’s a limit to how much you will do. In other words, say “no”.
    5. To accept that it’s busy right now, but make new choices so it will be not be as busy in the future.
    6. To let go of extra tasks, responsibilities and your own expectations that aren’t necessary right now. What is your choice now? How you enjoy life more and be the busy bee less? How can you reclaim your spirit and have more peace and calm in your life right now?

4. Remember to have fun and laugh: Fun and laughter will get out you off the wheel and bring a greater happiness to your life. Many people put fun low on the priority list after handling their responsibilities. What if you knew if you had fun you would be more productive, and bring a better perspective and outlook to every situation and task in your life? You could have more energy and be more resourceful in dealing with the demands of everyday life.

5. Remember what’s worked before: What have you done before when you were too busy? What were the lessons you learned from the busy times? What could you do differently this time?

Work on applying these 5 tips to help you get closer to your own work life balance!